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An Agent of Change for the Lower Midwest

Founding Principles

Issues We’re Addressing


Representation of Our Region / Representation within Our Region

In the five states in The New Territory’s focal area (Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas), diverse communities and ecologies are rarely seen and heard. At the national level they become nearly invisible. This has serious consequences on our regional identity, belonging, and civil conversations.

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    Real Stories in Rural America

    The last 25 years have seen a devastating contraction of the places journalists cover and the stories that rural communities consume. Although our magazine happily and regularly covers urban and suburban landscapes, the reality of the publishing landscape is that rural places often get overlooked and under-covered. We want to fill in that gap.


    Inspiring Small Business

    Small businesses are the key to strong economies and aspects of overall societal health. The New Territory Magazine seeks to document and provide affordable advertising options for the small businesses of our region. Currently, very few interstate regional print publications provide information about local businesses. Readers are eager to learn about events, local travel, ecotourism, craft and creative endeavors.


    Local Literacy

    While The New Territory is written at a college reading level, the scope of this magazine is appropriate and valuable for youth and students, inspiring awareness of the current challenges and events of their human neighbors and ecological environments in the Lower Midwest.


    Combating “Brain Drain” through Supporting Arts and Culture

    The New Territory Magazine is committed to paying contributors competitively. Compensating artists, writers, and creators in the Lower Midwest is important because this work is their livelihoods, this work enriches us all, and compensating talented contributors keeps creativity alive as individuals can continue helping the creative ecosystem rather than choosing other forms of work.

    Northern flicker

    Ongoing Documentation: The Autobiography of the Lower Midwest

    While many organizations produce and chronicle the arts and humanities of this region, few organizations are committed to the thoughtful, ongoing documentation and publication of original Midwest-based artists and journalists. A book has a lifespan and tends to chronicle a moment in time; a magazine (especially one that has been in existence for 7+ years) creates an ongoing narrative and forum for conversation.


    Regional Pride and Community Building

    Especially in rural areas, resources for Midwestern communities are few and far between. It is not always easy to meet new friends and make connections over regional literature, nature, and ideas. When The New Territory Magazine has made space and time for physical gatherings, such as for launch parties, the positive psychological effect of human connection feels palpable.

      Read for yourself

      We hope you'll support The Lower Midwest's journalists, photographers, artists and creative writers by purchasing one of our timeless issues or signing up for a subscription.

      The New Territory inside page with a portrait of a woman behind a screen door, text, and a pull quote; the magazine is on a warm wood background next to a coffee mug.