Issue 03: Double Take


The New Territory is a quarterly, subscriber-supported anthology of writing, art and photography. We place the Lower Midwest in the center of the universe.

We loaded this early issue is with heavy hitters: award-winning journalists and authors Max McCoy and Andrew Reeves, renowned poet Sarah Fawn Montgomery, longtime New Territory favorite Patrick Mainelli (his first piece in the magazine!), and so many more. Topics range from fair wage in St. Louis to prehistoric beaver dams in western Nebraska. Mark Twain’s biographer covers up his Kansas origins. Black towns flourish in Oklahoma. And carp invade Arkansas.

When you buy a copy of The New Territory, you not only get more intimate with the Lower Midwest. You directly support the writers who archive and interpret our region’s stories.

Want the stories, but not the print? Buy the Issue 03 digital download here.

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The New Territory is a quarterly, subscriber-supported anthology of writing, art and photography. We place the Lower Midwest in the center of the universe.

+ Mysterious Stranger: Max McCoy investigates Mark Twain’s biographer. Kansas.

+ From Bogota to Norman: Colombians share their country’s culture, history and what we can learn from it. Jorge Krzyzaniak, Oklahoma.

+ Urban Foraging: Omaha-area writer and photographer Patrick Mainelli explores the harvest potential right under our feet. Nebraska.

+ Asian Carp: The introduction of Asian carp in Arkansas was a page out of Rachel Carson’s hugely influential Silent Spring. Andrew Reeves gives us a picture of the man who started it and the environmental origins of Asian carp for biological control in the U.S. 

+ Prohibited: In Kansas and Oklahoma, laws dating back to Prohibition-era are still in effect, despite an upward trend in craft breweries. Jorge Krzyzaniak, Oklahoma.

+ Dividing Lines: Now in its second century, Interstate 70 is in poor shape. With states unwilling to raise taxes, how will the public pay? Ginger Hervey, Missouri.

Plus three poems by Sarah Fawn Montgomery, creative nonfiction by Rose Hansen, and Here essays by Frances Backhouse, Cody Holloway and Kim Oswalt.

When you buy a copy of The New Territory, you not only get more intimate with the Lower Midwest. You directly support the writers who archive and interpret our region’s stories.


  • 112 pages
  • Perfect bound
  • Full color
  • Printed in Missouri
  • Free shipping for subscriptions